These are some currently popular tattoos in South Africa with their common meanings
The Swallow/ birds in flight
The swallow tattoo is historically used to represent nautical beliefs and actions and more recently symbolises love, hope, and the remembrance of a loved one. In another form, a tattoo of a caged bird that is being released symbolises freedom.
The Anchor
“The anchor is reliable, stable, safe, and unchanging (” The anchor tattoo was traditionally a symbol related to sailors that symbolised strength and protection while on ocean voyages. The anchor is also seen as a ancient Christian symbol to many as it represents a hidden cross. Like the true functions of an anchor, to the early Christians the anchor symbolised strength, steadfastness, devotion, reliability and loyalty- something that a Christian was to their religion.
A more direct representation of the anchor tattoo would be one that symbolises someone being stuck or caught at a point in their life where they feel they are unable to prosper. On the other hand, it could be seen as a symbol of stability to someone who just got out of an unstable situation.
In more modern times, the ‘retro’ anchor tattoo which is of a more ‘old school’ style (more vibrant colours, designs, and positions on the body) than the traditional tattoo has become very popular and is especially popular amongst the rockabilly subculture. Contrary to the belief of the deeper purpose of tattoos, these retro tattoos are often just created for the mere purpose of the ‘cool factor’ of tattoos and not the original purpose which was to distinguish sailors who travelled the ocean from other civilians. However, they may still hold a personal meaning to the individual who wears them.
That which is a growing phenomenon in today’s society – gay pride – is indeed also associated with the anchor tattoo. Although it might be a very vague representation, to gay individuals, the anchor represents, once again, stability in their lives. In these situations, these individuals might have gone through very tough times and troubled waters and so the anchor represents the fact that they have anchored themselves in a sturdy point in their lives where they feel they have overcome all the adversity they have faced. It’s a symbol of strength and security.
Typography tattoos, or lettering tattoos, is a very popular form of tattoo art, especially in the South African market. These types of tattoos are meant to be read and therefore they usually hold a deep meaning to the individual – usually someone who has a strong love for literature and the history that it holds. The words can come from books, quotes, poems and/or lyrics that relate to personal emotions of a person.
In a more religious aspect of these tattoos, the lettering can be from a verse in the bible. These are also words that carry profound meaning.

Sacred Hearts
The sacred heart tattoo is devoted to Jesus Christ. Historically, until present time, the sacred heart tattoo symbolises love and compassion. The story of the sacred heart dates back to the 17th century in France when Jesus appeared to nun Margaret Mary who completely devoted herself to the Heart of Christ. With this she held all the love and sympathy for all people just like Christ had loved his children.
To many cultures the sacred heart held different meanings and today, the heart is not only a favourite amongst Christians, but also among people who feel a connection to the meaning of love. A heart with a sword or a dagger through it can represent suffering or sorrow, whereas a heart with a crown or angel wings can represent glory and the power and love of Christ.
This sacred heart tattoo is a popular choice among our country, due to the fact that, not only are we a ‘rainbow nation’ but many of our population comprises of Christianity and this results in people who take part in the growing trend of tattoos, having sacred hearts imprinted on their body to display their love for Jesus Christ.